Dr.Ibars there are no words to properly express my Gratitude, Transformation, Esteem and Honor of you sir. I thank you for the years you have dedicated learning and perfecting your skills. The first time you operated on me, you removed bone spurs and performed a discectomy. That operation left me very active and with a zero to two pain level for ten years. Following my recently being rear ended in a collision, you reconstructed my spine. You and your team operated for eight and a half hours, there was a thirteen inch incision, twenty pieces of hardware and with eight hours of recovery I STOOD STRAIGHT UP. Aided by a walker proceeded to walk five hundred feet. I felt the decompression of my spine and it felt heavenly. Eleven days later i returned home. Three months later, with help from your superior therapist’s I am no longer using my walker, brace, I ended most medications and my pain is much lower. Dr. Ibars, You and your organization are truly my Hero’s….
W. Heinrich